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Links to a Healthy Weekend

August 10, 2008

I am hoping to incorporate this post on a weekly basis. Link posts seem to be very popular in the blogging world and there is an unbelievable amount of great food, nutrition and wellness blogs out there.

I enjoy getting tips for links from others so I thought I’d provide some of my own. I’m just beginning my quest to search through some of the great information on a regular basis.

This time around it is posting a bit later than I would like, but each weekend I hope to share with you some great posts that further support my quest here at Fake Food Free and promote overall wellness.

  • Enjoy a great sweet this weekend that incorporates some veggies too. Carrots ‘N’ Cake shares a recipe for Zucchini Chocolate Chip Cookies.
  • I really like the explanation of why cathy at A Life Less Sweet continues to keep white table sugar in her family’s diet during their quest to eliminate HFCS.
  • When I used to give presentations about physical activity for my past job I would always incorporate how our convenience-driven lifestyles and technology affected our daily calorie burn. Stand Up & Eat from the Cooper Institute address this issue with some calorie charts for comparison.

Yogurt Is Tricky

August 8, 2008

Yogurt seems to be the go-to diet food. If you are healthy and/or if you want to lose weight, you eat yogurt. There’s research linking it to women who maintain a lower weight and to its help with weight loss.

I go through phases with yogurt. Sometimes I really like it and eat it daily, and then I have spurts where it is the last thing that sounds good.

I eat because it gives me protein and calcium. The probiotics in the version I buy are helpful too. I just question how real our yogurt in the local refrigerator case truly is.

There are quite a bit of artificial flavors and preservatives in most brands. I now steer clear of sugar free, fat free versions, but then you have to worry about the high fructose corn syrup. The full fat versions are much more satisfying and worth the calories and fat, by the way.

I know there are more natural brands out there, but you really pay the price for all that natural-ness.

This is one of those foods I struggle with when it comes to reducing fake foods. Most things point to it being a beneficial health food, but the industry messes that up by adding all kinds of fruit flavors and synthetic ingredients.

I’ve thought about getting one of those yogurt makers. Anyone have one or had the yogurt from one?

These types of things always seem to be the solution when it comes to fake, healthy foods. By controlling the ingredients we can make the food much better for us. The issue however is time, but when you put that up against long term health we all know who the winner should be.

I will also admit that stability has its perks. Although, I know those chemicals aren’t good for me, it is nice to know I’m not going to turn around every day to find something spoiled that I wasn’t able to eat quickly enough.

My Oatmeal

August 4, 2008

Over the past few years, oatmeal has become one of my favorite breakfast foods. I prefer the homemade version. I’ve played around with the instant versions, but they lack texture to me and often the flavors are too sweet.

Of course, since I am trying to eat less packaged foods I’ve pretty much eliminated the instant all together. I found this post on That’s Fit today. It got me thinking more about oatmeal.

Like many other packaged goods the instant is filled with flavorings and added sugar. Many companies have come out boasting that their version is enriched and fortified with vitamins and minerals, but it still can’t beat the real thing.

I remember talking about oatmeal at my office once (when I worked in a office) and my coworkers were discussing their favorite flavors. I volunteered that I made whole oats and they laughed and said, “We don’t have time for that.”

I was a bit confused after that because I microwave my oatmeal, too. It takes me maybe 30 seconds longer to complete my breakfast compared to opening a package and adding water.

My version has a few more calories, but they are healthy calories and will keep you full all day with a calcium bonus.

Simply take ½ c whole oats and mix with 1 c of skim milk. Microwave it for about 2 minutes (it boils over easily!). Then I add a little real butter, about 2 t of brown sugar and cinnamon. Sometimes I’ll add a few walnuts.

There is really no advantage to making the packaged version over the homemade. Although the packaged is easy to make at work, I have done that before. According to the research though it looks like it will just lead to more hunger throughout the day so I’ll stick with the old fashioned.

Photo by kahanaboy,

Easier Exercise This Weekend

August 1, 2008

I’m going to steer away from food for a minute today and talk about exercise. My brother just sent me the following article from Yahoo Health.

It is just more fuel for my anti pill-popping fire.

Drug gives couch potato mice benefits of a workout

You knew it had to be coming. If there are pills for eating soon there had to be pills for exercise.

Actually, I am a little surprised that the exercise pills didn’t come first. I mean, most people actually like to eat, however, many people loath exercise.

Of course the pill hasn’t been tested in humans. If you are a mouse and dislike moving your bum, then you might be in luck. The pill not only caused increased calorie burn, but also some signs of increased endurance capacity.

Unfortunately no pill will ever match real exercise, just as no pill can match real food.

You can show me calorie burn and endurance, but what happens to decreased anxiety and depression, healthy bones, muscle development, and socialization.

All are benefits of regular real exercise.

Now I will be honest. I’m at one of those motivational lows at the current moment where I’m having a really difficult time getting my butt to the gym. Even at times like these, I still wouldn’t consider a pill.

In addition to the fact that I’d miss a ton of benefits, laziness bothers me. Pill = laziness for me in this case.

Even if you have trouble moving due to certain conditions like the article mentions, walking 5 minutes is more beneficial than nothing at all. It is more about behavior change than physical changes a lot of the time.

The best line is the last one in the article. “For the majority of people,” she said, “it would be better to do exercise than to take a pill.”

At least they made a point to say it. Maybe there is still hope.

Photo courtesy of Free Range Stock

Well Said

July 18, 2008

If you feel the same way I do about real food and physical activity (and even if you don’t) you should check out this video.

It touches on the fact that the answer to our health problems are simple and on the fact that media and drug companies have manipulated us into thinking that we have everything under the sun and need a pill for it. The best part is the comment that diet and exercise do not fail.

Same Old Suggestions

July 16, 2008

I know you’ve seen them before – those articles that pop up in all health magazines offering little tips for cutting a few calories each day. These types of articles and their tips usually elicit three different responses from me.

“Um, I am a basically healthy person and already do this.”

“What in the world?”

Then there are a few that make me say, “That is actually a great idea.”

I really support the theory behind these kinds of articles because the idea of cutting a few calories each day is perfect for weight loss and maintenance. I came across one last night that had me concerned, though. As much as health is evolving and people are increasing their awareness about real food, nutrition researchers and practitioners still can’t break some of their old fashioned suggestions.

Let me give you a few examples of the suggestions I saw.

Have diet soda instead of regular soda.
Order fat-free cream cheese.
Have fat-free fudge pops instead of chocolate.
Leave food on your plate after each meal.
Skip egg yolks.

I don’t think I need to explain the first one given my past posts. You know I’m on a mission to greatly reduce and someday eliminate diet sodas. I also don’t think synthetic fat replacers are the way to go, especially when it comes to replacing chocolate. Personally I would never substitute anything for chocolate. Even a little bit of milk variety is good for the soul, make it dark and it is good for your heart too.

When it comes to leaving food on your plate, this is something I’ve struggled with from a wastefulness stand point. While I don’t think we should consume huge portions, I think it is irresponsible to waste the food we are given. A better suggestion for me is to split the meal in half and take some home or order a smaller portion.

While I love egg whites and their health benefits as much as the next nutritionally conscious person, I see a place for egg yolks in the diet. Egg yolks are brain food. While you save calories (about 70 in the yolk, versus 17 in the white) and fat by choosing whites you are also loosing some pretty beneficial nutrients for the mind. For example, egg yolks contain necessary choline, a nutrient that also plays a role with the metabolizing and accessibility of folic acid.

Yes, there is the cholesterol concern, but a person can eat a few egg yolks a week and maintain health. Just keep your cholesterol intake throughout the rest of your day in check.

In fairness, the article did have some decent, applicable tips. Things like diluting juice with water and leave the butter off popcorn. You can check it out here to see for yourself.

Seeing the suggestions as mentioned above just reminds me that we have a long way to go before real food is supported as healthy over fat-free, sugar-free versions. I think there has been a lot of progress over the years. I’m just wondering when we’ll get to the point of stopping suggestions for diet soda for health reasons. Why not sparkling water? Or why not encourage full, rich foods in moderation for health? Hmm…maybe I should write my own article.

Photo courtesy of Free Range Stock

Pill Popping

July 7, 2008

I mentioned before when talking about multivitamins
that I am not a big fan our nutrient pill popping habits in the US. With the advances of modern nutrition research we are learning more about what food components are good for us and how exactly they benefit our health.

We know that green tea is full of antioxidants. Wine, due to the skin of grapes, contains this amazing little component called resveratrol that has anti-aging properties. Fish oils can improve cardiovascular health and reduce inflammation.

All of this we have learned from nutrition research. After finding this, do you know what we have done with this information? Yes, we’ve encouraged people to consume the foods and drinks. Well, except for alcohol. Our government can’t be irresponsible and promote alcohol consumption despite the fact that cultures all over the world enjoy the health benefits. Sorry, that is another topic all together.

Anyway, along with a little promotion about including it in your diet came the huge spike in the creation of supplements. If we can identify the one tiny substance in a wonderful food, we should just put it in a pill and consume it that way. How innovative. How convenient.

My question is – why? Why would we rather swallow a pill than eat a delicious salmon entrée? Why would we rather turn to a pill bottle than to an evening with a glass of wine, socializing with friends? Is it that people want to feel better about consuming fast food daily or skipping meals by popping a fish oil pill every now and then?

I’ve tried to figure it out, but it just makes no sense to me. I understand the theory behind some of it. I did a project about green tea in school and I know to reap the benefits of some of these compounds you need to take in large amounts. Usually more than most people would consider having in a day. However, with regular consumption over time I truly believe you’ll get these same benefits. Healthy cultures like the Japanese and Chinese speak for themselves.

There are two main reasons why I disagree with this society that has been created. The first is that it takes away from the enjoyment of food. This is something the US as a whole has long forgotten and many other cultures still remember. We should not be scared to enjoy real food, even those foods that have a little too much fat and calories should be enjoyed in moderation.

Eating should be satisfying. Personally, I want to eat all those foods, taste them and savor them, not just swallow them. Getting up on a cool morning and enjoying a cup of tea has benefits for both physical and mental health, as does the consumption of many other real foods.

I feel that a lot of our problems both with obesity and obsession with healthy foods – yes they are both problems, comes from the fact that we simply do not have a healthy relationship with food. We worry and think about it so much on both ends of the spectrum that we forget to enjoy it.

Second, we take away additional benefits of the foods that contain these substances when we isolate them into pill form. There is valuable protein in fish in addition to the fish oils. Fruits and vegetables give us healthy carbohydrates and fiber in addition to their vitamins and antioxidants. I just think by isolating substances we are missing out on the whole healthy picture.

So tell me, do you prefer pills? Tell me why. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe there is a future and necessity to this industry and nutrition pill popping society.

Photo courtesy of Free Range Stock

Diet Soda Death Grip

July 3, 2008

I’ve come a long way in my efforts to break my diet soda habit. I very seldom turn to my old standby afternoon snack anymore. I am sad to say that occasionally there are those times when I still crave one.

There is a lot of controversy as to whether diet soda causes an increase in hunger and weight gain. For me, it was an appetite suppressant which is why I had such a hard time giving them up.

In the afternoons, I had a choice to eat (calories) or drink a diet soda (no calories). I always chose the diet soda and I was never hungry afterwards. I realize I was damaging my health in other ways, but I wasn’t taking in excess calories.

Giving up diet soda, for me, was like quitting a habit such as smoking regarding the appetite increase. It was much easier than quitting smoking (I’m guessing), but when I cut them out of my diet I was hungry all the time, specifically in the afternoons.

Now when I give into my occasional craving, I am sorry I did. It honestly makes me feel bad. I think it is my body’s rebellion against the aspartame, but I now get sluggish and sometimes get a headache.

Even so, diet soda has this death grip on me and won’t let go. There is always that temptation to grab one while I’m out shopping, or with certain foods. I will admit that some foods taste better with soda. Pizza is a good example.

So this grip that diet soda has got me thinking about a health seminar I went to once. Back when I had an office job and had the luxury of going off to health conferences, I was able to hear Dr. David Katz speak. It has been about 3 years now.

He’s got quite a track record. Not only is he associated with Yale, but he does the nutrition column in O magazine, is a medical contributor to ABC news and he was the nutritionist on the first season of VH1’s Celebrity Fit Club. That’s were I first saw him and then started learning more about his more professional attributes.

At this particular conference he spoke about the speculation that some foods have additives that can cause addictions. Thus, making us want to return to the food time and time again. Interesting stuff. It made me think twice about what I was eating, spurring on more of this fake food free quest.

It is remembering things like these that give me the motivation to stay away from sodas and break the habit once and for all. I have found that part of the craving for me is the carbonation. Sparkling water or water with gas is a great substitute. The only negative is that it is not popular in the US, which means it is expensive.

Does diet soda have a grip on you? Any tips for breaking the habit?

Photo by cohdra,

Drinking Your Fruit

June 26, 2008

I have always loved juice. Apple and grape topped the list when I was in high school. During this time I began to understand how my caloric intake had a direct relationship with my weight and I eliminated juice from my diet. I was amazed at the amount of calories in a small glass.

My decision was confirmed as I started studying nutrition. All that added sugar and lack of fiber wasn’t good for me. I understood that I should eat my fruit, not drink it.

The problem was I missed juice. In addition, I’m not sure if you’ve checked out the recommendation for fruit and veggie servings lately, but it is nearly impossible to attain even for the most health conscious person. We started at 3 to 5 and that was perfect for me. Definitely achievable. Then it jumped to 5 to 9 there was even talk behind the scenes that it needed to go to 9 to 13. Wow!

Finally the government realized that they were setting goals which initiated the ‘I give up’ mentality in people and they started the campaign Fruits and Veggies More Matters. They are now simply encouraging people to eat more. A good approach, I think.

The thing is I want to be healthy. I want to get my 5 to 9 everyday. However, I just don’t want to eat that much fruit. Sometimes I’m just not hungry for it, like in colder weather.

My solution is to return to juice. However, this time I’m avoiding the added sugars, HFCS and lack of fiber. I juice myself. Not the squeeze-the-orange kind of juice, but using a more professional juicer.

There are some negative aspects to this that I will address. First, it takes a bit of a commitment. There is labor involved in cutting and sometimes peeling the fruit. The clean up can be time consuming as well.

It is proving to be worth it for me though. I get to enjoy all kinds of combinations of juices. I can easily meet my fruit and veggie recommendation. A couple apples and a carrot and I’ve got a great drink and 3 servings taken care of at once. In addition, the better juicers allow some pulp in the juice so there is more fiber than in your typical store-bought bottle.

I’m glad to get back to drinking juice and I feel much better knowing that I’m getting in my fruits and vegetables. It is worth the extra effort to prepare it. Think about investing in your health and try juicing for yourself.

Photo courtesy of Free Range Stock

I No Longer Need Insurance

June 16, 2008

Part of being a responsible nutritionist is ensuring that those you give advice to are getting all the nutrients they need. Throughout my studies we were always taught that we should encourage people to get their vitamins and minerals from food, but that a daily multivitamin should be taken for insurance.

I guess this is good advice. Most people do their best to eat well, but still fall short of their need for fruits, vegetables and other foods necessary to supply required vitamins and minerals.

I believed in this advice for a long time. Now I’ve come to the decision that I no longer need insurance.

First of all, the nutrients we get from food are more readily available to the body for use. Some research shows that the pill form of necessary and popular vitamins and minerals are not that effective. The body doesn’t absorb from a pill all that it would from actual food.

Second, I am really against this rely-on-a-pill society we seem to be living in. Yes, we all lead busy lifestyles, no time to cook, shop and on and on. But would you really rather pop a pill than eat?

It is all about eating the right foods. I am confident that most days of the week I get plenty of the foods I need that provide the necessary micronutrients to my body. I don’t want to rely on a pill to give me what I can get through the enjoyment of eating good foods.

There are certain situations where vitamins are necessary. I’m still on the fence with calcium as well. The food form is better, but it is such an important nutrient that I do feel unless people (especially women) are certain they are getting sufficient calcium, they should take a supplement. Personally I’ve gotten away from calcium supplements because I really like dairy products. I get my calcium and vitamin D through milk and yogurt.

It all comes back to the issue of fake versus real food. A vitamin pill isn’t natural, food is. A pill is easy, but eating healthy foods is enjoyable.

For anyone who is on a quest to lose weight a common complaint is they are always hungry. The thing is, we have to eat a lot of food to get all the nutrients we need. The catch is that it doesn’t come from the drive thru. It comes from lots and lots of healthy natural foods that happen to be lower in calorie.

I just prefer to eat, enjoy and savor not pop a pill and feel satisfied with my insurance. We just need to get back to taking the time to enjoy real food.

Photo by jeltovski,

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