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Inspiration and Reflection

Fake Food Free Is 10 Years Old

May 30, 2018

Fake Food Free is 10 years old this week! While I haven’t had many recipes up lately, I have been doing plenty with food. This is a little photo tour.

Van Cherries | Photo by Lori Rice

Other than working on projects for clients and throwing a holiday cookout last weekend, I haven’t been in the kitchen much in May. 

We’ve been eating a lot of leftovers from shoots. Other things have been less than glamorous which means there isn’t much of a recipe to photograph and share. 

My point with all of this is to say that I know I haven’t been posting much recently. Even with the fresh produce of the spring and summer coming on, I still have nothing. 

I plan for it to change some in June, so hang in there with me. 

While I haven’t been developing recipes fit for this site, I have been taking a lot of photos. 

And guess what? Fake Food Free turns 10 years old this week! 

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My Three Words 2018, Direction, and Focus

January 18, 2018
Winter Cruciferous by Lori Rice

I have a long post written up to kick off the year. It’s sitting in my drafts. 

Last weekend, I was gung-ho to post it. But it is one of those posts that made me feel like I should sit on it a bit. 

It was a rant really. About how overwhelmed and irritated I am with labeling eating styles, diets, and all the junk related to the health industry. 

Then I was flipping through Twitter and saw a post from Chase Jarvis. I wouldn’t call him a mentor, I don’t know him, but I follow him enough that glimpses of his attitudes and work ethic tend to punch me in the face (in a very positive way) when I need it. 

He was on a plane with wifi, and as he sometimes does, opened things up to a Q&A. I never asked questions. I can’t really think of any. But I love reading what other people ask. 

A lot pertain to what he thinks about this or that. Something in the industry or the way some things are done. (He’s an adventure photographer and founder of CreativeLIVE, if you are unfamiliar.)

The answer he gives, he’s given before, but sometimes I forget it. 

Simply put, it is – I don’t.

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A New Kitchen

July 29, 2017

The Kitchen Remodel |

The first time we walked through this house, before we even made an offer, I knew I wanted that wall to go. 

We liked the house as it was, of course. In fact, the kitchen was much more updated than most of the houses we’d looked at. But what could have been a beautifully open space when this house was built was turned into a cramped spot with a blocked view.

It was also brown. Oh man, I am simply not a fan of the neutrals and browns family of colors. I feel like people have gone to town with those colors with this idea that they go with everything. Well, they really only go with other browns and neutrals. 

I wanted gray, I wanted white and bright, and I wanted…subway tile. 

And that wall I was talking about. It was this one. 

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Fake Food Free Today

February 26, 2016

After 8 years of blogging, I’m taking a look back at how Fake Food Free has evolved and the current state of the food blog landscape around me. I’m revealing those changes that I’m not so happy about and returning my focus to why this blog came to be. 

Garden Carrots | Lori Rice | Food Photography
When I first started Fake Food Free in 2008, in my corner of the world, the ideas of knowing the sources of your food and reducing processed foods were just beginning. I’d always eaten whole grains, fruits and vegetables, but the idea of making more foods from scratch, closely watching sugar intake and buying local eggs were efforts that were just beginning.

I loved what Fake Food Free represented in my life – an effort to eat fewer processed, more local foods, while embracing international food culture.

Then I woke up one day and all of a sudden it wasn’t enough. Despite having no food allergies or intolerances, I could no longer define healthy as simply reducing processed foods.

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